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World Traveler Challenge

We are thrilled to introduce the World Traveler Challenge” – a thrilling global adventure that invites Betas to embark on a fun Voyage of Adventure!

In this exciting challenge, Betas will have the opportunity “travel” throughout National Convention to earn “stamps” from various countries around the world. Imagine your passport filling up with colorful stamps as you virtually travel from one corner of the globe to another. Here’s how the challenge works:

Passport Prep: Visit the Beta Shop when you arrive at National Convention to purchase our official passport. The passport is $5. If you purchased a passport during your State Convention, you will not have to purchase a new passport.

Country Missions: Inside the passport, participants will find a list of countries. Staff members from the National Beta office have assigned stamps.

Country Staff Member
Argentina Anna
Argentina Courtney
Argentina Erin
Argentina Jeff
Argentina Kathryn
Argentina Roxanne
Australia Mitzi
Bahamas Bobby
Boliva Chantella
Brazil Donna
Canada Brittany
Canada Kim
Canada Lisa
Canada Melissa
China Amy
Cuba Caleb
Cuba Matt
Egypt Denia
France Damon
Germany Blake
Germany Evan
Germany Jay
Greece Perry
Hong Kong Chanelle
Italy Bradley
Italy Eva
Mexico Tyler
Portugal Trent
Spain Eric
Vietnam Brooke
Vietnam John
Vietnam Leigh

Collecting Stamps: Successfully finding the staff member will earn participants a stamp in their passport for that country. Hint: we recommend reviewing the staff directory on the National Beta website so you can find the people with the stamps at your state convention.

Video Breakdown: For more details and a visual guide of the “World Traveler Challenge”, check out this video.

Achievement Reward: PLEASE NOTE: You were not able to collect every stamp at one State Convention. We have over 16 country’s stamps, but not every staff member attended State Convention. The only way that you’ll completely fill your passport is by attending National Convention. All stamps will be available at Nationals. If you fill your entire passport, you will bring your passport to the registration table for verification and will earn an incredible trading pin.

Back to Top Page last modified at: 05/30/2024

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