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Accessorized Design Elementary

The Accessorized Design competition allows each club to submit one club-designed accessory depicting the 2023-2024 Theme - Beta: A Voyage of Adventure. This competition is designed to encourage creativity, innovation, interpretation of theme and artistic design. A club may only have one entry.

Competition Guidelines

  • The accessory must adhere to the convention theme - Beta: A Voyage of Adventure.
  • Entries may be any form of accessory such as, but not limited to, handbags, ties, hats, socks, belts, etc. (Note: jewelry cannot be submitted since it is a category in Visual Arts.)
  • The accessory must be student designed. A computer aided drawing is acceptable.
  • The accessory must have marketing potential to be commercially reproduced.
  • A completed Accessorized Design form should be photographed with the project.

Educational Connections

  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Information and Media Literacy
  • Design Elements and Visual Arts Standards
  • Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
  • Students will investigate, find solutions, strategies, and designs from infinite number of possibilities using inquiry, collaboration, and process based learning. ​

    How to Enter

  • Visit and follow directions.
  • Register students and then select competitions to enter.

    National Eligibility

    All Plaques Awarded at Convention Extension

    Judging Criteria

Accessorized Design 16-20 11-15 6-10 1-5
Interpretation and Illustration of the Theme Excellent interpretation and illustration of the theme. Good interpretation and illustration of the theme. Average interpretation and illustration of the theme. Minimal interpretation and illustration of the theme.
Artistic Design Artistic Design creates an excellent visual display and exhibits excellent effort put into workmanship. Artistic Design creates a good visual display and exhibits good effort put into workmanship. Artistic Design creates an average visual display and exhibits average effort put into workmanship. Artistic Design creates minimal visual display and exhibits minimal effort put into workmanship.
Originality of Concept Apparel reflects excellent originality of concept. Apparel reflects good originality of concept. Apparel reflects average originality of concept. Apparel reflects minimal originality of concept.
Creativity, Color, and Contrast The apparel exhibits an excellent degree of student creativity with an excellent use of colors, textures, shapes and spacing. The apparel exhibits a good degree of student creativity with a good use of colors, textures, shapes and spacing. The apparel exhibits an average degree of student creativity with an average use of colors, textures, shapes and spacing. The apparel exhibits a minimal degree of student creativity with a minimal use of colors, textures, shapes and spacing.
Marketing Potential for Commercial Reproduction Apparel exhibits an excellent ability to be marketed and commercially reproduced. Apparel exhibits a good ability to be marketed and commercially reproduced. Apparel exhibits an average ability to be marketed and commercially reproduced. Apparel exhibits a minimal ability to be marketed and commercially reproduced.
Deductions This will be taken one time by the coordinator. Did not follow competition guidelines -10    

Accessorized Design Form

Download and Print Accessorized Design Form and submit with entry.

Back to Top Page last modified at: 09/21/2023

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