Elementary Candidate
Participating as an officer candidate allows Betas to actively meet convention attendees, seek support for office through campaign speeches and skits, as well as enhance personal leadership skills. Elected state officers are eligible to run for National Officer positions. The following year, state officers will facilitate during the state convention sessions.
The stage is not accessible to any school group except during performance time. Therefore, it is not available for rehearsals, walkthroughs, or blocking for talent. The stage is never accessible for photos before or after sessions.
Elementary Betas are eligible to compete in Elementary competitions only. Participants in the campaign skit must be Elementary Betas at the state and national level.
Office | Grade Level |
President | 5th Grade |
Vice-President | 4th Grade |
General Rules
ELIGIBILITY: A candidate for state office must be a 4th or 5th grader, in good standing, officially enrolled as a Beta member and registered for the convention by the deadline date. Each club may have only one candidate for office. The club sponsors must enter the candidate online at www.betaclub.org/registration. By submitting the State Officer Nomination, candidates are agreeing to abide by these rules and regulations. The following rules and regulations should be read carefully.
A state officer, who is currently serving, may not run for a state office.
Candidates may compete in Academic testing with the exception of Musicology, and Quiz Bowl. They may also compete in Visual Arts. However, they cannot compete in any other competitions.
Candidates are responsible for campaigning, campaign speech and the question-and-answer segment.
If elected and later dropped from the local club, moves to a school without a charter Beta Club, or if the officer is not enrolled actively in school during the entire term, the officer forfeits the right to serve as a state officer. The runner-up will automatically take office. It is imperative for the elected officer to notify the National Office immediately if he/she is unable to serve.
Completing the registration is a pledge stating that he/she will attend the candidate meeting and all sessions of the convention, including the Installation Ceremony, as well as fulfill all of the duties of the office the following year. Failure to fulfill this pledge will result in the candidate forfeiting his/her opportunity to run and/or serve for state office.
Any violations of the following guidelines may result in the candidate losing a percentage of votes based upon the rule infraction.
Sponsors are responsible to check appropriateness on all levels of campaigning.
Students elected as a state officer are not eligible to interview for a Leadership Representative position at a Regional Leadership Summit the year in which they are elected and the year they are serving.
Campaign Guidelines
No handouts, balloons, food products, stickers, promotional items, speakers, noise makers, or weapons are allowed.
No chanting at any time except during the one minute skit performance.
Only representatives from the candidate’s club may wear campaign t-shirts at any time during the convention.
Only members of the candidate’s club may participate in the campaign skit. No adults onstage during the skit performance.
Costumes may be worn during the campaign session only.
Signs and placards may only be used during the skit.
The candidate’s slogan, movie references, or the chosen song, as performed, must not refer to alcohol, drugs, tobacco, weapons, sex, bathroom humor, violence, race or make use of inappropriate language.
Dress Code Guidelines
Black, charcoal or navy suit or at a minimum, black, charcoal or navy dress slacks/skirt with a black, charcoal or navy jacket, tie, dress shirt, and dress shoes must be worn. The business suit skirt must be knee length (or longer) with no slit above the knee.
Candidate must wear a black, charcoal or navy suit and dress shoes throughout the duration of the convention.
Candidate Speech
The candidate will deliver a speech no longer than two minutes.
The speech should have substance and not be a list of one’s qualifications nor contain references to the following: alcohol, drugs, tobacco, weapons, sex, bathroom humor, violence, race, or make use of inappropriate language.
National Beta recognizes and respects that participating students may have religious, political, and other beliefs that they wish to reference in their recognitions and speeches at conferences. National Beta does not censor students from making such expressions; However, students are expected to recognize that not all students participating in the Club’s activities are of the same faith or hold the same views. National Beta is a diverse organization. Our members have had different life experiences, and they also have firmly held beliefs that are not the same as other members of our organization. Therefore, each student must be respectful of the opinions and feelings of others in their speeches and communications. Students should be mindful of how their words will be received by others and should avoid any comments that could be disrespectful of another person’s beliefs or views.
Delivery of speech must not be suggestive in anyway (no sexual connotations).
No singing, rapping, costuming, removal of clothing, dramatization, props, slides, videos, or inappropriate gestures during the speech.
Candidate Skit
Time Limit: 1 minute
1 minute for set up and 1 minute for breakdown
The candidate will not take part in the promotional skit.
The dress for participants in the skit must be appropriate, no strapless, or low cut tops, no midriffs showing, and inappropriate removal of clothing will result in a loss of votes.
The candidate’s skit, movie references, or the chosen song, as performed, must not refer to alcohol, drugs, tobacco, weapons, sex, bathroom humor, violence, race, or make use of inappropriate language.
No inappropriate dance moves or gestures, and no inappropriate music.
Skit participants must remain on the stage during the skit.
SAFETY - The use of fog machines, fire/open flame, hay, balloons, or confetti is not permitted. Water, paint, liquids, or other materials that can create a mess are not allowed on stage.
SAFETY - The use of live animals is strictly prohibited from any National Beta competition (Excluding service animals).
SAFETY - Throwing items from the stage is not permitted.
SAFETY - Gymnastic/cheerleading stunts are not allowed with the exception of cartwheels, aerial cartwheels, walk overs, back bends and round-offs performed singularly. No tumbling passes.
SAFETY - Lifts may be used as long as the feet of the participant being lifted do not go higher than the knees of the person lifting. Lifts may be performed singularly.
SAFETY - No use or portrayal of ANY weapons.
SAFETY - Wood or metal may not be used in the construction of the scene. However, metal or wooden bases, no taller than 36 inches, can be used to transport and/or support backdrops. Props (table, chairs, bed frame/headboard, etc.) made of wood or metal may be used as intended. Photo/Video Studio Background Stands are NOT permitted. (If used a safety deduction of 15 pts. will be taken.)
SAFETY - Only portable choral risers may be used to elevate participants.
SAFETY - Skateboards, roller skates, rollerblades or hoverboards are NOT permitted.
Question & Answer Segment
Time limit: 30 seconds
All candidates will draw from a pool of questions.
Timing starts after the question has been read.
No singing, rapping, costuming, removal of clothing, dramatization, props, slides, videos, or inappropriate gestures during Q&A.
Voting Procedures
Electronic voting will be used at convention. Pre-registered members will vote using his/her membership number that is printed on the convention badge. Members that register onsite or who do not have a printed membership number will come to a designated area during voting time. Voting will be by candidate name.
If there are infractions of the above stated candidate rules, a deduction of votes will occur as follows:
75% of votes per rule infraction*: Skit, speech, and slogan must not refer to alcohol, drugs, sex, race, or make use of inappropriate language. Obscene dress or removal of clothing while on stage will also result in loss of votes.
25% of votes per rule infraction*: All other infractions.
A committee made up of the State Council will rule on any loss of votes of a candidate.
How to Enter
Visit www.betaclub.org/registration and follow directions.
Please provide all information on candidate in the provided fields.
Indicate that the candidate has read the pledge for the office and will abide by all rules.
The registration must be completed and submitted by the deadline date.
Judging Criteria
Campaign Skit | 16-20 | 11-15 | 6-10 | 1-5 |
Candidate Promotion | Excellent promotion of candidate. | Good promotion of candidate. | Average promotion of candidate. | Minimal promotion of candidate. |
Use of Originality in Candidate’s Slogan | Excellent use of originality in interpretation of candidate’s slogan. | Good use of originality in interpretation of candidate’s slogan. | Average use of originality in interpretation of candidate’s slogan. | Minimal use of originality in interpretation of candidate’s slogan. |
Stage Presence | Excellent stage presence that includes confidence, personality and audience connection. | Good stage presence that includes confidence, personality and audience connection. | Average stage presence that includes confidence, personality and audience connection. | Minimal stage presence that includes confidence, personality and audience connection. |
Creativity | Excellent performance that was creative throughout the entire skit. | Good performance that was creative throughout the entire skit. | Average performance that was creative throughout the entire skit. | Minimal performance that was creative throughout the entire skit. |
Overall Performance and Entertainment Quality | The skit showcased excellent entertainment quality throughout and achieved an excellent performance. | The skit showcased good entertainment quality throughout and achieved a good performance. | The skit showcased average entertainment quality throughout and achieved an average performance. | The skit showcased minimal entertainment quality throughout and achieved a minimal performance. |
Deductions | This will be taken one time by the coordinator. | Did not follow competition guidelines -10 | Did not follow competition SAFETY guidelines -15 |