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Project Proposal

Teams of 3 to 5 students will provide a final overview (or updated progress) on their proposed project that was presented during a regional leadership summit during the 24-25 Leadership season. Clubs will showcase that community need and highlight the creative service project proposal in an expo format.

This should not be a new project, but a continuation of what was presented at the Leadership Summit

**A club/school may not submit the same entry for competititon in different divisions (EL, JR, SR).

Elementary Betas are eligible to compete in Elementary competitions only.

Junior Betas are eligible to compete in Junior competitions only.

Senior Betas are eligible to compete in Senior competitions only.

  • Students may not be able to participate in multiple challenges due to the schedule overlap at National Convention. *

    Competition Guidelines

    1. The entire club may participate in the service project, but a group of 3-5 students will present the project in an expo format.
    2. Teams will identify a need in their community.
    3. Teams will describe the plan of action and how the club implemented the service project proposal.
    4. Teams will present a visual logo of the service project proposal and how the project was executed.
    5. Each team may use visuals (presentation board, brochures, pamphlets, props, costuming, chromebook, ipad, etc.) in the presentation, but electrical outlets internet and projectors will not be provided.
    6. Handouts and other documentation may be given to others to review during the expo.
    7. Teams will have a two minute time limit to present followed by a question and answer segment by evaluators.
    8. Awards will be given to the top ten.

Judging Criteria

  • Creativity of Service Project 20%
  • Collaboration of Club 20%
  • Logo Design: Creativity, Color and Contrast 20%
  • Presentation Skills 20%
  • Impact of Service/ Communication of club 20%

Educational Connections

  • Leadership Skills
  • Creativity & Innovation
  • Communication & Collaboration
  • Critical Thinking & Problem Solving

Back to Top Page last modified at: 02/20/2025

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