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Senior Musicology

Musicology is a general knowledge music competition that uses questions, videos and audio that cover various aspects and genres of music. The competition is designed for a team of four students to participate and stresses collaboration and quick recall.

The Musicology written test must be completed during the testing window. This window is prior to the state convention.

An email from the National Office will be sent to registered clubs the morning that their test window opens with instructions to access the testing links through the sponsor portal. Test access will be linked to the registered club ID number. Changes may not be made after the finalization of registration.

Senior Betas are eligible to compete in Senior competitions only. They may only compete with Senior Betas in Senior competitions at the state and national level.

Written Test Guidelines - Online Competition Only

Time Limit: 30 Minutes

  1. A club may enter one team. Each team consists of four members.

  2. Teams will be given 30 Minutes to complete this competition.

  3. The test is an online multiple choice test that will be taken collaboratively using ONLY one device.

  4. No adult consultation is allowed during the testing time.

  5. Completion time of all tests will be recorded. In case of a tie, the team that finished first will be declared the winner.

  6. The four members that take the written test must be the same members that participate in the oral rounds.

  7. The top eight teams will advance to the oral rounds. Oral rounds will ONLY be conducted at onsite conventions.

  8. Please check the app after the testing window has closed to see if your club has advanced to the oral rounds.

Oral Round Guidelines - Onsite Competition Only

  • The Musicology Oral Rounds are for the top 8 teams from the written portion that will be listed on the app prior to the state convention.
  • There will be a mandatory meeting for participating teams and their sponsor/coach prior to the oral rounds. Failure to attend the meeting will result in a forfeit of the match. A Code of Conduct must be signed by all team members and coach prior to the start of the oral rounds during the mandatory meeting.
  • Musicology is a question-and-answer game played between two teams of four players each.
  • Each match will consist of two teams and will be played with two, 5-question halves or up to the 20-minute time limit, whichever is reached first.
  • The competition will be single elimination.
  • Each team must designate a captain.
  • At the discretion of the coordinator, if a team is late or fails to appear for the oral round, it will forfeit the match and the remaining teams will continue the competition.
  • There are two types of questions: toss-ups, worth 10 points each, and bonuses, worth 20 points.
  • All rounds will be played in the following manner: One, 10-minute half or 5 toss-up questions, whichever comes first followed by a 10-minute half or 5 toss-up questions, whichever comes first. There will be an official timekeeper.
  • Points are scored for correct answers to the questions asked by the moderator.
  • For toss-ups and bonuses, unless otherwise stated in the question, players may use abbreviated answers, such as last names only, or nicknames for artist, as long as such answers still correctly indicate clear and precise knowledge of the information requested in the question. However, the full title of the song is required.
  • For toss-up questions, players will be given approximately 5 seconds from the time the moderator stops reading to signal, and then must answer as soon as they are called upon. The moderator will allow for a natural pause, but no stalling will be allowed.
  • If a toss-up answer comes after time has been called, it does not count.
  • If a player confers with a teammate on a toss-up question, the answer does not count. The question is turned over to the other team. The first player to signal and be recognized by the moderator answers the question.
  • If a player answers without being recognized, the answer counts the same as a wrong answer.
  • On a toss-up, the first response is the one that counts.
  • If a player answers a toss-up correctly, his or her team scores 10 points and is given a chance at a bonus question. The team captain has 15 seconds to respond with an answer to the bonus after the bonus question(s) has been read.
  • If the half or game ends while the moderator is reading a toss-up, he/she stops right there, without giving either team a chance to answer. However, if a player on either team has signaled before the whistle, he/she is given an opportunity to respond. If the answer is correct, the team is given its bonus question. If the answer is wrong, the question is not turned over to the other team and the round ends there.
  • If a player believes he/she knows the answer to a toss-up question before it has been completed, he/she may interrupt the moderator by signaling. If the answer is correct, the team scores 10 points. If the answer is wrong, the entire question is repeated for the other team.
  • If the moderator inadvertently gives an answer to a toss-up without giving either team a chance to respond, a new tossup is read. However, if one team has given an incorrect answer without turning it over to the opposing team, then the next toss-up will be read for the opposing team only.
  • If someone in the audience shouts out an answer, the moderator discards the question and goes to the next question. The person who interrupts may be asked to leave the round.
  • Team members may confer on bonus questions. All team members are encouraged to participate as much as possible. However, if there are conflicting answers, the moderator will ask the team captain for the team’s official answer. The team captain can designate another team member to answer the bonus question.
  • On all bonuses, anticipate some delay in response because of conferences. The team has 15 seconds to respond to the bonus question.
  • The toss-up and bonus questions will be completely read before time begins unless a team member buzzes in prior to the end of the question.
  • If a bonus answer comes after time has been called, it does not count.
  • For any question answered incorrectly, the moderator will provide the correct answer.
  • If the score is tied at the end of the regulation time, the tie is broken by a sudden-death play-off of toss-up questions. The first correct answer scores 10 points and wins the game.

PROTESTS: If a player or team wishes to protest either an accepted answer to a question or a game procedure, the protest must come from the team captain during the game, at the time of the occurrence. The opposing captain will be given the opportunity to present a rebuttal. A decision will be made at that point by the moderator and judge; this decision will be final. If a team has had two unsuccessful protests in one game, it may not make any further protests during the game.

Educational Connections

  • General knowledge of musical genres
  • Communication
  • Performing Arts Standards
  • Collaboration

How to Enter

  • Visit and follow directions.

  • Register students and then select competitions to enter.

Back to Top Page last modified at: 01/10/2025

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