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Junior Engineering

The Engineering competition is designed for a team of three to five students to use innovative problem solving techniques and engineering concepts. Teams will use items from a specified list and will be required to interact with judges during the competition. A club may have only one entry.

Junior Betas are eligible to compete in Junior competitions only. They may only compete with Junior Betas in Junior competitions at the state and national level.

**A club/school may not submit the same entry for competititon in different divisions (EL, JR, SR).

No spectators allowed during or following the competition.

Time Limit: 45 Minutes

Competition Guidelines

Junior Construction - Racetrack

  • Each club may enter one team of three to five students.
  • Teams will be given forty-five (45) minutes to construct and ninety (90) seconds to demonstrate and explain the project.
  • The invention must be constructed on a piece of foam board 30 inches by 40 inches. This piece of foam board will be separate from the materials container.
  • The invention may have parts that suspend beyond the board but cannot be braced/tethered/supported by anything (i.e. wall or floor) other than the board.
  • The team must use items from the specified list and materials must fit into a closed 18 gallon plastic storage container with a lid.
  • All construction must be done on-site. No steps can be preassembled, construction pieces must be separate, and the board must be free of any writing or marks.
  • A task will be given prior to construction to demonstrate the complexity, creativity and stability of the design.
  • Electricity/outlet and internet will not be available.
  • Participants using a battery powered glue gun must use silicone finger protectors or gloves.
  • Liquids, sand, glitter, or other substances that would leave a mess may not be used in any form of the challenge.

    Educational Connections

  • Engineering and Innovation
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
  • Scale and Measurement
  • Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts and Mathematics (STEAM)
  • Students will investigate and find solutions, designs, and strategies from an infinite number of possibilities using inquiry, collaboration, and process-based learning.

Approved Materials List

The team must use ONLY the items from the specified list of materials below. Materials must fit into a closed 18 gallon container with lid. Teams will be responsible for all materials and the foam board needed for the build.

Approved Materials    
Thread spools Cans Toothpicks
Toothbrushes Index cards Paper clips
Sandwich bags tongue depressors/popsicle sticks Boxes
Matchbox car Newspaper Playing cards
Marbles Aluminum foil Paper plates
Dice Egg cartons String
Tape Adhesives Balloons
Rubber Bands Paper Fasteners Scissors
Straws Wheels Modeling Clay
Tinker Toys Zip Ties Magnets
Cotton Balls Card Stock Batteries
Battery operated glue gun(s) with glue sticks Balls (plastic, metal, rubber) Cups (paper, plastic, or styrofoam)
Plastic Toys (to include K’NEX and Construx) Cardboard Cork
Spoons Plastic Bottles Dried Beans
Clothes Pins Ruler Shoelaces
Dominoes Pipe Cleaners Wire
Cardboard Tubes Legos Writing Utensils

How to Enter

  • Visit and follow directions.
  • Register students and then select competitions to enter.
  • Bring 30” by 40” foam board and container of materials to convention.

National Eligibility

All Plaques Awarded at State Convention

Judging Criteria

Engineering 16-20 11-15 6-10 1-5
Complexity Structure displays excellent complexity and stability in the build. Structure displays good complexity and stability in the build. Structure displays average complexity and stability in the build. Structure displays minimal complexity and stability in the build.
Creativity Structure exhibits excellent creative solutions in all aspects of the build. Structure exhibits good creative solutions in most aspects of the build. Structure exhibits average creative solutions in some aspects of the build. Structure exhibits minimal creative solutions in the build.
Critical Thinking Students exhibit excellent ability to consider alternatives to the design and construction during the process. Students exhibit good ability to consider alternatives to the design and construction during the process. Students exhibit average ability to consider alternatives to the design and construction during the process. Students exhibit minimal ability to consider alternatives to the design and construction during the process.
Team Communication Team displays excellent communication and collaboration throughout the entire process. Team displays good communication and collaboration throughout the entire process. Team displays average communication and collaboration throughout the entire process. Team displays minimal communication and collaboration throughout the entire process.
Overall Quality Structural integrity along with the demonstration of the challenge are excellent. Structural integrity along with the demonstration of the challenge are good. Structural integrity along with the demonstration of the challenge are average. Structural integrity along with the demonstration of the challenge are minimal.
Deductions This will be taken one time by the coordinator. Did not follow competition guidelines -10    

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