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Elementary Living Literature

The Living Literature competition provides an opportunity for students to present an interpretation of a scene from a work of literature. Students should choose a scene and characters from any form of literature, including but not limited to, a novel, short story, poem, or play. Students recreate the scene through costumes, scenery, and props. Essentially, students become “wax museum figures” depicting the scene. A club may have only one entry.

**A club/school may not submit the same entry for competititon in different divisions (EL, JR, SR).

**Elementary Betas are eligible to compete in Elementary competitions only.

They may not compete with Junior Betas in Junior competitions at the state and national level.**

Competition Guidelines

  • A description of the scene, title of the piece of literature, author, and school name must be incorporated within the dimensions of the scene.
  • Scene cannot be based on a song or song lyrics.
  • Electricity/outlet and internet will not be provided.
  • The dimension of a scene may not exceed 12 feet wide by 12 feet deep by 12 feet high.
  • Set up will not be monitored. A designated window of time, of no more than one hour, will be allowed for set up. Adults may assist with set up and disassembling the set. Assembling of the props/scenery outside of the square can take place prior to set up.
  • Competitors must be prepared for judging at the designated time.
  • Sound effects or music are not permitted in the scene.
  • Movement is not permitted with props or scenery. However, the flickering of battery powered lights/candles is allowed.
  • SAFETY - No use or portrayal of ANY weapons.
  • SAFETY - All participants in the scene must have their feet on the floor.
  • SAFETY - The scene should be entirely free standing, not leaning on walls.
  • SAFETY - Wood or metal may not be used in the construction of the scene. However, metal or wooden bases, no taller than 36 inches, can be used to transport and/or support the scene. Props (table, chairs, bed frame/headboard, etc.) made of wood or metal may be used as intended. Photo/Video Studio Background Stands and Pop-up Portable Canopy tents are NOT permitted.
  • SAFETY - Balloons, hay, fog machines, live animals or fire/open flame are not permitted in the scene.
  • Entrants must clean their assigned scene area and remove all props immediately after the viewing.

Educational Connections

  • Visual and Performing Arts Standards
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Information and Media Literacy
  • Critical Thinking and Problem Solving

How to Enter

  • Visit and follow directions.

  • Register students and then select competitions to enter.

Judging Criteria

Living Literature 16-20 11-15 6-10 1-5
Originality of Literary Selection and Interpretation of Scene Literary Selection demonstrates excellent originality and portrayal of an actual authentic scene from the piece of literature. Literary Selection demonstrates good originality and portrayal of an actual authentic scene from the piece of literature . Literary Selection demonstrates average originality and portrayal of an actual authentic scene from the piece of literature. Literary Selection demonstrates minimal originality and portrayal of an actual authentic scene from the piece of literature.
Craftsmanship of the Scene Scene construction consists of excellent craftsmanship and attention to detail. Scene construction consists of good craftsmanship and attention to detail. Scene construction consists of average craftsmanship and attention to detail. Scene construction consists of minimal craftsmanship and attention to detail.
Attention to Detail of Costumes Costumes display excellent detail to portrayal of characters in the scene. Costumes display good detail to portrayal of characters in the scene. Costumes display average detail to portrayal of characters in the scene. Costumes display minimal detail to portrayal of characters in the scene.
Characterization in Posing of the Scene Participants display excellent characterization in posing of the scene. Participants display good characterization in posing of the scene. Participants display average characterization in posing of the scene. Participants display minimal characterization in posing of the scene.
Display of Information An excellent description of the scene, title of the piece of literature, author, and school name are incorporated within the scene. A good description of the scene, title of the piece of literature, author, and school name are incorporated within the scene. An average description of the scene, title of the piece of literature, author, and school name are incorporated within the scene. A minimal description of the scene, title of the piece of literature, author, and school name are incorporated within the scene.
Deductions :This will be taken one time by the coordinator. Did not follow competition guidelines -10 Did not follow SAFETY guidelines -15    

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